Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back in Time

From the moment you walk through the gates at the Ren Fest, you are brought back for better or for worse into a time a knights, ladies, castles, chivalry and half dressed lunatics banging frying pans on their heads. We had a great time and got a few good pics to boot. Some of the people there get really into it and dress in full old style costumes. Some take it to the extreme, as is the case with the fellow in the picture below, who Matt and I had no end of amusement watching. He seemed to have stepped right out of a cheap romance novel. There was also a wisecracking guy in stocks, at whom those passing by could throw tomato's at, for a hefty price. Sitting for free and watching was equally amusing, as he really did have a cutting tongue and nearly had full grown men in tears.

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