Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back in Time

From the moment you walk through the gates at the Ren Fest, you are brought back for better or for worse into a time a knights, ladies, castles, chivalry and half dressed lunatics banging frying pans on their heads. We had a great time and got a few good pics to boot. Some of the people there get really into it and dress in full old style costumes. Some take it to the extreme, as is the case with the fellow in the picture below, who Matt and I had no end of amusement watching. He seemed to have stepped right out of a cheap romance novel. There was also a wisecracking guy in stocks, at whom those passing by could throw tomato's at, for a hefty price. Sitting for free and watching was equally amusing, as he really did have a cutting tongue and nearly had full grown men in tears.

Mass Hypnosis or: I'm gonna break your arm if you don't go along with this

We went to the Renaissance Festival( which was a blast) and Matt and I were among the lucky victims for a demonstation of group thought control, hmmmmm. Maybe I am too controling of a personality but it didn't seem to do a damn thing to me, except make my ass numb. I was a little dissapointed, call me a hopeful sceptic. Anyway one of the women in the crowd managed to forget the number eight when prompted, but who knows if she was just playing along or if she indeed had had her mind tinkered with.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I had more fun then you a few weeks ago....

My brother Chris and I went to see Underoath at Amos's Southend, in Charlotte. I had bought tickets months in advance, but would you know it I changed my coat at the last minute out the door and an hour later found myself frantically patting my pockets and screaming bloody murder. Anyway we managed to get them and get to the show before The Devil Wears Prada, who I have to say stole the show. Those dudes know how to rock!! So we had a blast at the sold out show!! Saosin played after TDWP and then finally Underoath kicked ass at the end. I'm still recovering......

back again

So I've done this before and left that blog somewhere alone in Romania.I couldn't find it if I tried. I'll admit I saw a couple cool blogs and got the urge to add my two cents to the scene. So we'll see what happens with this one.